ISR Bibliography

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Al-Ani, B., A. Sarma, G. Bortis, I. Almeida da Silva, E. Trainer, A. van der Hoek, and D. Redmiles, "Continuous Coordination (CC): A New Collaboration Paradigm", Workshop on Supporting the Social Side of Large Scale Software Development, in conjunction with CSCW 2006, Banff, Canada, pp. 69-72, November 4, 2006.
Almeida da Silva, I., M. Alvim, R. Ripley, A. Sarma, C. Werner, and A. van der Hoek, "Designing Software Cockpits for Coordinating Distributed Software Development", 1st Workshop on Measurement-based Cockpits for Distributed Software and Systems Engineering Projects (SOFTPIT 2007), in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Munich, Germany, pp. 14–19, August 27-30, 2007.