ISR Bibliography

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Romero-Mariona, J., H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "Toward Hybrid Requirements-based and Architecture-based Testing", Third International Workshop on the Role of Software Architecture for Testing and Analysis (ROSATEA 2007), Boston, MA, USA, July, 2007.
Romero-Mariona, J., "SURE: Secure and Usable Requirements Engineering", Doctoral Dissertation: University of California, Irvine, 2010.
Romero-Mariona, J., H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "CCARCH: Architecting Common Criteria Security Requirements", Third International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2007), Manchester, UK, IEEE CS Press, August 29-31, 2007.
Romero-Mariona, J., H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "Formality of the Security Specification Process: Benefits Beyond Requirements", Proceedings of the 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 1-6, 2010.
Romero, N. A., and P. Markopoulos, "Common Ground as Privacy Mechanism in the Use of Awareness Systems", CHI 2005 Workshop on Awareness Systems, Portland, OR, 2005.
Romero, N. A., and P. Markopoulos, "Group Work and Tabletop Interaction: Common Ground to Analyse Privacy Coordination in Awareness Systems", Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2005: IFIP TC13 International Conference, Rome, Italy, Springer Verlag, pp. 1006-1009, 2005.
Roher, K., and D. Richardson, "Sustainability Requirements Patterns", 3rd International Workshop on Requirements Patterns (RePa), held in conjunction with the 21st International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July, 2013.
Roher, K., and D. Richardson, " A Proposed Recommender System for Eliciting Software Sustainability Requirements", Second Workshop on User Evaluations for Software Engineering Researchers (USER 2013), held in conjunction with 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013), San Francisco, CA, pp. 16-19, May, 2013.
Rode, J., M. Blythe, and B. Nardi, "Qualitative Research in HCI", ACM Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Extended Abstracts, Austin, TX, May 5-10, 2012.
Rode, J., C. Johansson, P. DiGioia, R. S. silva Filho, K. A. Nies, D. H. Nguyen, J. Ren, P. Dourish, and D. F. Redmiles, "Seeing Further: Extending Visualization as a Basis for Usable Security", Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2006), Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 145-155, July 12-14, 2006.
Rode, J., "An Ethnographic Examination of the Relationship of Gender and End-User Programming,", Doctoral Dissertation: University of California, Irvine, 2008.
Robbins, J. E., and D. F. Redmiles, "Cognitive Support, UML Adherence, and XMI Interchange in Argo/UML", Information and Software Technology, Special Issue: The Best of COSET '99, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 79-89, 2000.
Robbins, J. E., and D. F. Redmiles, "Cognitive Support, UML Adherence, and XMI Interchange in Argo/UML", Conference on Construction of Software Engineering Tools (CoSET'99), Los Angeles, CA, May 17-18, 1999.
Robbins, J.E.., M. Kantor, and D. Redmiles, "Sweeping Away Disorder with the Broom Alignment Tool", CHI EA '99: CHI '99 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May, 1999.
Ripley, R., R. Yasui, A. Sarma, and A. van der Hoek, "Workspace Awareness in Application Development", Eclipse Technology Exchange Workshop, held in conjunction with OOPSLA 2004, Chicago, IL, pp. 17-21, October, 2004.
Ripley, R., and A. van der Hoek, "Decisions and Rationale during the Evolution of a Coordination Infrastructure", Workshop on Infrastructure for Research in Collaborative Software Engineering, 2008.
Ripley, R., A. Sarma, and A. van der Hoek, "A Visualization for Software Project Awareness and Evolution", Fourth International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis, Alberta, Canada, pp. 137-144, 2007.
Ripley, R., A. Sarma, and A. van der Hoek, "Using Visualizations to Analyze Workspace Activity and Discern Software Project Evolution", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-06-1: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, January, 2006.
Richardson, D. J., "ACM RETENTION COMMITTEE: Student-focused initiatives for retaining students in computing programs.", ACM Inroads., vol. 9, issue 2, pp. 13-18, June, 2018.
Richardson, D., R. Farmer, and C. Wilson, "CSEdWeek Wants You!", ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 6, September, 2011.
Richardson, D., "CSEdWeek Shines in 2011", ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 44, no. 3, September, 2012.
Richardson, D., B. Al-Ani, and H. Ziv, "Requirements engineering at the margins: avoiding technological hubris through alternative approaches", Proceedings of the FSE/SDP workshop on Future of software engineering research, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, ACM, pp. 303-308, 2010.
Reyes, A. A., and D. Richardson, "Siddhartha: A Method for Developing Domain-specific Test Driver Generators", 14th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE '99), Cocoa Beach, FL, USA, pp. 81-90, 12-15 Oct. 1999.
Retti, J.., W.. Bibel, B.. Buchberger, E.. Buchberger, W.. Horn, A. Kobsa, I.. Steinacker, R.. Trappl, and H.. Trost, "Artificial Intelligence - Eine Einführung", XLeitfäden der angewandten Informatik (Book 2), Stuttgart, Teubner, 2014.
Ren, J., and R. N. Taylor, "An Automatic and Generic Framework for Ranking Research Institutions and Scholars based on Publications", Technical Report, no. UCI-ISR-04-5: Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, June, 2004.
