Berg, B., T. Kaczmarek, A. Kobsa, and G. Tsudik,
"An Exploration of the Effects of Sensory Stimuli on the Completion of Security Tasks",
IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 15, issue 6, November/December, pp. 52-60, 2017.
Berg, B., T. Kaczmarek, A. Kobsa, and G. Tsudik,
"An Exploration of the Effects of Sensory Stimuli on the Completion of Security Tasks",
IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 15, issue 6, November/December, pp. 52-60, 2017.
Juarez, G.., S.. Al-Majid, K.. Biegler, Y. Chen, A.. Kobsa, D.. Mukamel, A.. Police, M.. Sharif, and D.. Sorkin,
"Health Behavior Engagement, Obesity, and Symptom Management in Latina Breast Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Study. Conference Poster",
38th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 51, no. Suppl 1, San Diego, pp. S1846-S1847, Mar 29-Apr 1, 2017.
Shekhar, S., J. Colletti, F. Muñoz-Arriola, L. Ramaswamy, C. Krintz, L. Varshney, and D. Richardson,
Intelligent Infrastructure for Smart Agriculture: An Integrated Food, Energy and Water System,
: CRA CCC Catalyst, 2017.
Berg, B.., T.. Kaczmarek, A.. Kobsa, and G.. Tsudik,
"Lights, Camera, Action! Exploring Effects of Visual Distractions on Completion of Security Tasks",
Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2017), Kanazawa, Japan, Springer, pp. 124-144, July 10-12, 2017.
Berg, B.., T.. Kaczmarek, A.. Kobsa, and G.. Tsudik,
"Lights, Camera, Action! Exploring Effects of Visual Distractions on Completion of Security Tasks",
Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2017), Kanazawa, Japan, Springer, pp. 124-144, July 10-12, 2017.
Kaptelinin, V., J. A. Vadeboncoeur, N. Gajdamaschko, and B. Nardi,
"Negotiating Motives, Power, and Embodiment: Studies of Creating and Sharing Meaning in Social Context",
Mind, Culture, and Activity, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 1-2, Jan 2, 2017.
Lee, H., and A. Kobsa,
"Privacy Preference Modeling and Prediction in a Simulated Campuswide IoT Environment.",
2017 IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), Kona, HI, pp. 276 - 285, March 13-17, 2017.
Sorkin, D.., S.. Al-Majid, K.. Biegler, Y. Chen, S.. Du, A.. Kobsa, D.. Mukamel, A.. Police, and M.. Sharif,
"The Provider-Patient Relationship and Satisfaction with Care Among High and Low Acculturated Latina Breast Cancer Survivors. Conference Poster",
38th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 51, no. Suppl 1, San Diego, CA, pp. S2042-S2043, Mar 29 - Apr 1, 2017.
Fielding, R. T., R. N. Taylor, J. R. Erenkrantz, M. M. Gorlick, J. Whitehead, R. Khare, and P. Oreizy,
"Reflections on the REST Architectural Style and “Principled Design of the Modern Web Architecture” (Impact Paper Award)",
11th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2017), Paderborn, Germany, pp. 4-14, Sept 4-8, 2017.
Cramer, S. C., R. Zhou, M. Ingemanson, J. J. Choi, K. M. Wu, A. Kaur, F. Erani, D. Z. Yang, N. Khaturi, J. M. Cassidy, et al.,
"Targeted Training of a Motor-parietal Circuit Improves Its Behavioral Output",
Stroke, vol. 48, no. Suppl 1, pp. A11-A11, Feb 1, 2017.
Cramer, S. C., R. Zhou, M. Ingemanson, J. J. Choi, K. M. Wu, A. Kaur, F. Erani, D. Z. Yang, N. Khaturi, J. M. Cassidy, et al.,
"Targeted Training of a Motor-parietal Circuit Improves Its Behavioral Output",
Stroke, vol. 48, no. Suppl 1, pp. A11-A11, Feb 1, 2017.
Pappachan, P., M. Degeling, R. Yus, A. Das, S. Bhagavatula, W. Melicher, P. Emami Naeini, S. Zhang, L. Bauer, A. Kobsa, et al.,
"Towards Privacy-Aware Smart Buildings: Capturing, Communicating, and Enforcing Privacy Policies and Preferences",
IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW 2017), Atlanta, GA, pp. 193-198, June 5-8, 2017.
Martie, L.., T.. Kwak, and A. van der Hoek,
"Understanding the Impact of Support for Iteration on Code Search",
11th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), Paderborn, Germany, pp. 774-785, Sept 4-8, 2017.
Kaptelinin, V., and B. Nardi,
"Activity Theory as a Framework for Human-Technology Interaction Research",
Mind, Culture, and Activity, vol. 25, issue 1, pp. 3-5, February, 2018.
Cho, H., B. Knijnenburg, A. Kobsa, and Y. Li,
"Collaborative Privacy Management in Social Media: A Cross Cultural Validation.",
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), vol. 25, issue 3, pp. Article No. 17, 33 pp., June, 2018.
Cho, H., B. Knijnenburg, A. Kobsa, and Y. Li,
"Collaborative Privacy Management in Social Media: A Cross Cultural Validation.",
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), vol. 25, issue 3, pp. Article No. 17, 33 pp., June, 2018.
Kou, Y., and B. Nardi,
"Complex Mediation in the Formation of Political Opinions",
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Montreal, Canada, ACM, pp. Paper No. 636, April 21-26, 2018.
Smyth, M., I. Helgason, F. Kresin, M. Balestrini, A. B. Unteidig, S. Lawson, M. Gaved, N. Taylor, J. Auger, L. Koefoed Hansen, et al.,
"Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research",
2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Extended Abstracts (CHI EA '18), Montreal QC, Canada, ACM, pp. W32, April 21-26, 2018.
Lutellier, T.., D.. Chollak, J.. Garcia, L.. Tan, D.. Rayside, N.. Medvidovic, and R.. Kroeger,
"Measuring the Impact of Code Dependencies on Software Architecture Recovery Techniques",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Online early access: Feb 20, vol. 44, issue 2, pp. 159-181, February, 2018.
Lee, H., C. Upright, S. Eliuk, and A. Kobsa,
"Personalized Visual Recognition via Wearables: A First Step toward Personal Perception Enhancement",
Personal Assistants: Emerging Computational Technologies, vol. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Vol 132: Springer, pp. 95-112, 2018.
Kou, Y., B. Nardi, C. Gray, and A.. Toombs,
"The Politics of Titling: The Representation of Studied Countries in CHI Papers",
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Montreal, Canada, ACM, pp. Paper No. alt16 , April 21-26, 2018.
Zhou, R. Jiahua, H. Hondori, M. Khademi, J. Margaret Cassidy, K. Mengfei Wu, D. Zhiye Yang, N. Kathuria, F. Rohinton Erani, L. Dodakian, A. McKenzie, et al.,
"Predicting gains with visuospatial training after stroke using an EEG measure of frontoparietal circuit function",
Frontiers in Neurology, vol. 9, July, 2018.
Zhou, R. Jiahua, H. Hondori, M. Khademi, J. Margaret Cassidy, K. Mengfei Wu, D. Zhiye Yang, N. Kathuria, F. Rohinton Erani, L. Dodakian, A. McKenzie, et al.,
"Predicting gains with visuospatial training after stroke using an EEG measure of frontoparietal circuit function",
Frontiers in Neurology, vol. 9, July, 2018.