ISR Bibliography

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Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Baker, A., A. van der Hoek, H. Ossher, and M. Petre, IEEE Software, , vol. 29(1), January/February , 2012.
LaToza, T.D.., W.B.. Towne, and A. van der Hoek, Harnessing the Crowd: Decontextualizing Software Work, , First International Workshop on Context in Software Development. Hong Kong. November, November, 2014.
Scacchi, W., The Future of Research in Computer Games and Virtual World Environments: Workshop Report, : Institute for Software Research, University of California, Irvine, Technical Report UCI-ISR-12-8, July, July, 2012.
Scacchi, W., "Emerging Patterns of Intersection and Segmentation when Computerization Movements Interact", Working paper presented at the CRITO Social Informatics Workshop, March, 2005.
Moran, T., and P. Dourish, Context-Aware Computing: A Special Triple-Issue of Human Computer Interaction, , vol. 16, no. 2-4, 2001.
Doliner, M., Cobertura, , 2006.
Brusilovsky, P., A. Kobsa, and W. Nejdl, The Adaptive Web: Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization, , Heidelberg, Germany, Springer Verlag, 2007.
Benford, S., T. Rodden, and P. Dourish, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction: Special Issue on Collaborative Virutal Environments, , vol. 7, no. 4, December, 2000.
De Bra, P., A. Kobsa, and D. Chin, "18th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP 2010)", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6075, Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag, June 20-24, 2010.
Magazine Article
Boellstorff, T.., B. A. Nardi, C.. Pearce, and T.. L. Taylor, "Words with Friends: Writing Collaboratively Online", interactions, vol. September+October: ACM, 2013.
Tomlinson, B., D. J. Patterson, Y. Pan, E. Blevis, B. Nardi, S. Silberman, J. Norton, and J. J. LaViola, Jr., "What if sustainability doesn't work out?", interactions, vol. 19, no. 6: ACM, pp. 50-55, November + December, 2012.
Nottingham, M., "Understanding Web Services Attachments", BEA Dev2Dev, May 24, 2004.
Ekbia, H., and B. Nardi, "The Political Economy of Computing: The Elephant in the HCI Room", Interactions, vol. 22, issue 6: ACM, pp. 46-49, Nov-Dec, 2015.
Baker, A., E. Oh Navarro, and A. van der Hoek, "Introducing Problems and Programmers, an Educational Software Engineering Card Game", Software Engineering Notes, vol. March, pp. 7–8, 2003.
Baumer, E. P. S., J. Burrell, M. G. Ames, J. R. Brubaker, and P. Dourish, "On the importance and implications of studying technology non-use", interactions, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 52-56, March + April, 2015.
Baker, A., A. van der Hoek, H. Ossher, and M. Petre, "Guest Editor's Introduction: Studying Professional Software Design", IEEE Software, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 28-33, January/February, 2012.
Norton, J., A. Raturi, B. Nardi, S. Prost, S. McDonald, D. Pargman, O. Bates, M. Normark, B. Tomlinson, N. Herbig, et al., "A grand challenge for HCI: food+ sustainability", interactions, vol. 24, issue 4, pp. 50-55, Nov + Dec, 2017.
Blyth, P-L.., M. N. Mladenovic, B. A. Nardi, H. R. Ekbia, and N. M. Su, "Expanding the Design Horizon for Self-Driving Vehicles: Distributing Benefits and Burdens", IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 44-49, Sept, 2016.
Nardi, B., "Designing for the Future - But Which One?", Interactions, vol. 23, issue 1: ACM, pp. 26-33, January-February, 2016.
Ang, C. Siang, A. Bobrowicz, D. J. Schiano, and B. Nardi, "Data in the Wild: Some Reflections", interactions, vol. 20, no. 2: ACM, pp. 39-43, March + April, 2013.
Elliott, M., and W.. Scacchi, "Communicating and Mitigating Conflict in Open Source Software Development Projects", Projects & Profits, vol. IV, no. 10, pp. 25-41, October, 2004.
Penzenstadler, B., A. Rauturi, C. Becker, J. Norton, B. Tomlinson, S. Silberman, and D. Richardson, "Bridging communities: ICT4Sustainability @iConference 2015", Interactions, vol. 23, issue 1: ACM, pp. 64-67, Jan-Feb, 2016.
Suryanarayana, G., J. R. Erenkrantz, and R. N. Taylor, "An Architectural Approach for Decentralized Trust Management", IEEE Internet ComputingIEEE Internet Computing, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 16-23, Nov/Dec, 2005.
Richardson, D. J., "ACM RETENTION COMMITTEE: Student-focused initiatives for retaining students in computing programs.", ACM Inroads., vol. 9, issue 2, pp. 13-18, June, 2018.
Journal Article
Bell, G., and P. Dourish, "Yesterday's Tomorrows: Notes on Ubiquitous Computing's Dominant Vision", Personal and Ubiquitous ComputingPersonal and Ubiquitous Computing, no. 11, pp. 2, 133-143, 2007.
