ISR Bibliography

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Conference Paper
Penzenstadler, B., B. Tomlinson, and D. Richardson, "Support Environmental Sustainability by Requirements Engineering", International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems (RE4SuSy), held in conjunction with ReFSQ’12, Essen, Germany, March, 2012.
Conference Proceedings
Raturi, A., B. Penzenstadler, B. Tomlinson, and D. Richardson, "Developing a Sustainability Non-functional Requirements Framework", 3rd International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS 2014) held in conjunction with the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2014), Hyderabad, India, ACM, pp. 1-8, June 1, 2014.
Alspaugh, T. A., E. Baumer, and B. Tomlinson, "On a Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Social-Agent Scenario Visualization ", Fourth International Workshop on Comparative Evalutation in Requirements Engineering (CERE'06), Minneapolis, MN, pp. 60-65, September, 2006.
Baumer, E., B. Tomlinson, M L. Yau, and T. A. Alspaugh, "Normative Echoes: Use and Manipulation of Player Generated Content by Communities of NPCs", Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2006), Marina del Rey, CA, June 20-23, 2006.
Alspaugh, T. A., B. Tomlinson, and E. Baumer, "Using Social Agents to Visualize Software Scenarios ", CM Symposium on Software Visualization (SoftVis'06), Brighton, United Kingdom, pp. 87-94, September, 2006.