Rouquette, N., K. Reinholtz, T. Canham, V. Carson, L. Charest, A. van der Hoek, E. Dashofy, and R. N. Taylor,
CAR: Component Architecture,
, no. #30591: JPL, May 9, 2002.
Lüer, C., and A. van der Hoek,
"Composition Environments for Deployable Software Components",
Technical Report, no. UCI-ICS-02-18: Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, August, 2002.
Nardi, B., S. Whittaker, E. Isaacs, M. Creech, J. Johnson, and J. Hainsworth,
"ContactMap: Integrating communication and information through visualizing personal social networks",
Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, vol. April, pp. 89-95, 2002.
Nardi, B. A., S. Whittaker, E. Isaacs, M. Creech, J. Johnson, and J. Hainsworth,
"ContactMap: Integrating Communication and Information Through Visualizing Personal Social Networks",
Communications of the ACM, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 89-95, 2002.
Dourish, P., and A. van der Hoek,
"Émigré: Metalevel Architecture and Migratory Work",
Fourth International Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices (Mobile HCI 2002), Pisa, Italy, August, 2002.
Clemm, G., R. Conradi, A. van der Hoek, W. Tichy, and D. Wiborg-Weber,
"Impact of the Research Community for the Field of Software Configuration Management",
24th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2002), Orlando, Florida, May, 2002.
Estublier, J., D. B. Leblang, G. Clemm, R. Conradi, A. van der Hoek, W. Tichy, and D. Wiborg-Weber,
"Impact of the Research Community on the Field of Software Configuration Management",
Software Engineering Notes, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 31-39, 2002.
Dashofy, E. M., A. van der Hoek, and R. N. Taylor,
"An Infrastructure for the Rapid Development of XML-based Architecture Description Languages",
24th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2002), Orlando, Florida, ACM, pp. 266-276, May, 2002.
Sarma, A., and A. van der Hoek,
"Palantír: Coordinating Distributed Workspaces",
Workshop on Cooperative Supports for Distributed Software Engineering Processes (CSSE 2002), Oxford, United Kingdom, August, 2002.
Sarma, A., and A. van der Hoek,
"Palantír: Increasing Awareness in Distributed Software Development",
ICSE 2002 International Workshop on Global Software Development (IWGSD 2002), Orlando, Florida, May, 2002.
van der Hoek, A., A. Carzaniga, D. M. Heimbigner, and A. L. Wolf,
"A Testbed for Configuration Management Policy Programming",
IEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 79-99, January, 2002.
van der Hoek, A., A. Carzaniga, D. M. Heimbigner, and A. L. Wolf,
"A Testbed for Configuration Management Policy Programming",
IEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 79-99, January, 2002.
van der Hoek, A., A. Carzaniga, D. M. Heimbigner, and A. L. Wolf,
"A Testbed for Configuration Management Policy Programming",
IEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 79-99, January, 2002.
van der Hoek, A., A. Carzaniga, D. M. Heimbigner, and A. L. Wolf,
"A Testbed for Configuration Management Policy Programming",
IEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 79-99, January, 2002.
Dashofy, E., A. van der Hoek, and R. N. Taylor,
"Towards Architecture-Based Self-Healing Systems",
First ACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Self-Healing Systems, Charleston, South Carolina, ACM, pp. 21-26, November 18-19, 2002.
"Two case studies of open source software development: Apache and Mozilla",
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and MethodologyACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 309-346, 2002.
Van der Westhuizen, C., and A. van der Hoek,
"Understanding and Propagating Architectural Changes",
Third Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture 2002 (WICSA 3), Montreal, Canada, pp. 95-109, August, 2002.
Jones, J. A., M J. Harrold, and J. Stasko,
"Visualization of Test Information to Assist Fault Localization",
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 467–477, 05/2002.