ISR Bibliography

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Redmiles, D., R. De Paula, H. Wilensky, and K. Kosaka, "What Ideal End Users Teach Us About Collaborative Software", 2005 International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work, Sanibel Island, FL, pp. 260-263, November, 2005.
Su, N., H. Wilensky, D. Redmiles, and G. Mark, "The Gospel of Knowledge Management in and out of a Professional Community", ACM International Conference on Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP'07), Sanibel Island, FL, pp. 197-206, November 4-7, 2007.
Wilensky, H., N. Su, D. Redmiles, and G. Mark, " A Community of Knowledge Management Practitioners: Mirroring Power across Social Worlds", Knowledge Management in Action (KMIA 2008), held in conjunction with the 20th IFIP World Computer Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 195-207, Sept 7-10, 2008.
Al-Ani, B., H. Wilensky, and D. Redmiles, "An Understanding of the Role of Trust in Knowledge Seeking and Acceptance Practices in Distributed Development Teams", 6th International conference on Global Software Engineering, Helsinki, Finland, August 15-18, 2011.