ISR Bibliography

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Conference Paper
Semaan, B., and G. Mark, "‘Facebooking’ Towards Crisis Recovery and Beyond: Disruption as an Opportunity", ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’12), Seattle, WA, February 11-15, 2012.
Mark, G., S. Iqbal, M. Czerwinski, and P. Johns, "Focused, Aroused, but so Distractible: Temporal Perspectives on Multitasking and Communications", 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW), Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 903-916, March, 2015.
Jones, W., V. Bellotti, R. Capra, J. David Dinneen, G. Mark, C. Marshall, K. Moffatt, J. Teevan, and M. Van Kleek, "For Richer, for Poorer, in Sickness or in Health...: The Long-Term Management of Personal Information", ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016), San Jose, CA, ACM, pp. 3508-3515, May 7-12, 2016.
Mark, G., S. Iqbal, and M. Czerwinski, "How blocking distractions affects workplace focus and productivity", ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (Ubicomp 2017), Maui, HI, ACM, pp. 928-934 , September 11-15, 2017.
Mark, G., I. Guy, S. Kremer-Davidson, and M. Jacovi, "Most Liked, Fewest Friends: Patterns of enterprise social media use", 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW '14), Vancouver, Canada, ACM, pp. 393-404, Mar. 14-18, 2014.
Mark, G., S. T. Iqbal, M. Czerwinski, P. Johns, and A. Sano, "Neurotics Can't Focus: An in situ Study of Online Multitasking in the Workplace", ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016), San Jose, CA, ACM, pp. 1739-1744, May, 2016.
Mark, G., S. Voida, and A. Cardello, "“A Pace Not Dictated by Electrons”: An Empirical Study of Work Without Email", Thirtieth annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’12), Austin, TX, ACM Press. Honorable mention for Best Paper., May 5-10, 2012.
Schroeder, J., C. Wilkes, K. Rowan, A. Toledo, A. Paradiso, M. Czerwinski, G. Mark, and M. M. Linehan, "Pocket Skills: A Conversational Mobile Web App To Support Dialectical Behavioral Therapy ", Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Montreal, Canada, ACM, April 21-26, 2018.
Mark, G., and B. Semaan, "Resilience in collaboration: technology as a resource for new patterns of action", Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, San Diego, CA, USA, ACM, pp. 137-146, 2008.
Mark, G., B. Al-Ani, and B. Semaan, "Resilience through technology adoption: merging the old and the new in Iraq", Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems, Boston, MA, USA, ACM, pp. 689-698, 2009.
Abdullah, S., M. Czerwinski, G. Mark, and P. Johns, "Shining (Blue) Light on Creative Ability", International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2016) , Heidelberg, Germany, ACM, pp. 793-804, September, 2016.
Mark, G., Y. Wang, M. Niiya, and S. Reich, "Sleep Debt in Student Life: Online Attention Focus, Facebook, and Mood", ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016), San Jose, CA, ACM, pp. 5517-5528, May 7-12, 2016.
Lutchyn, Y., P. Johns, M. Czerwinski, S. Iqbal, G. Mark, and A. Sano, "Stress is in the eye of the beholder", International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2015) , Xi'an, China, IEEE, pp. 119-124, September, 2015.
Niiya, M., S. M. Reich, Y. Wang, G. Mark, and M. Warschauer, "Strictly by the Facebook: Unobtrusive Method for Differentiating Users", 18th ACM Conference Companion on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW), Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 159-162, March, 2015.
Thomas, P., M. Czerwinski, D. McDuff, N. Craswell, and G. Mark, " Style and Alignment in Information-Seeking Conversation", Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval (CHIR 2018), New Brunswick, NJ, ACM, pp. 42-51, March 11-15, 2018.
Williams, A. C., H. Kaur, G. Mark, A. Loomis Thompson, S. T. Iqbal, and J. Teevan, "Supporting Workplace Detachment and Reattachment with Conversational Intelligence", Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Montreal, Canada, ACM, pp. Paper No. 88, April 21-26, 2018.
Fiesler, C., L. Anthony, P. Strohmeier, S. Fussell, and G. Mark, "Taking Action in a Changing World: Research and Community", 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '17), Denver, CO, ACM, pp. 1368-1371, May 6-11, 2017.
Wang, Y., and G. Mark, "Trust in Online News: Comparing Social Media and Official Media use by Chinese Citizens", Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2013), San Antonio, TX, pp. 599-610, Feb. 23-27, 2013.
Palen, L., K. M. Anderson, G. Mark, J. Martin, D. Sicker, M. Palmer, and D. Grunwald, "A vision for technology-mediated support for public participation \& assistance in mass emergencies \& disasters", Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, British Computer Society, pp. 1-12, 2010.
Mark, G., M. Czerwinski, S. Iqbal, and P. Johns, "Workplace Indicators of Mood: Behavioral and Cognitive Correlates of Mood Among Information Workers", 6th International Conference on Digital Health, Montreal, Canada, ACM, pp. 29-36, April, 2016.
Conference Proceedings
Mark, G., K. Carpenter, and A. Kobsa, "Are There Benefits in Seeing Double? A Study of Collaborative Information Visualization", ACM Conference on Human factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2003). Short paper: Fort Lauderdale, FL, pp. 273-274, April 5-10, 2003.
Al-Ani, B., G. Mark, and B. Semaan, "Blogging through conflict: sojourners in the age of social media", 3rd international conference on Intercultural collaboration (ICIC 2010), Copenhagen, Denmark, ACM, pp. 29-38, August 19-20, 2010.
Mark, G., S. T. Iqbal, M. Czerwinski, and P. Johns, "Bored Mondays and Focused Afternoons: The rhythm of attention and online activity in the workplace", SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'14), Toronto, Canada, ACM, pp. 3025-3034, Apr. 26- May 1, 2014.
Su, N. M., Y. Wang, G. Mark, T. Aieylokun, and T. Nakano, "A Bosom Buddy Afar Brings a Distant Land Near: Are Bloggers a Global Community?", 2nd International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Milan, Italy, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 171-190, June 13-16, 2005.
Mark, G., and B. Semaan, "Collaboration Resilience: Technology as a Resource for New Patterns of Action", ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2008), San Diego, CA, ACM Press, November 8-12, 2008.
