ISR Bibliography

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Naslavsky, L., R. S. Silva Filho, C. R. B. De Souza, M. Dias, D. J. Richardson, and D. Redmiles, "Distributed Expectation-Driven Residual Testing", Second International Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS 04), held in conjunction with ICSE 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, May, 2004.
Naslavsky, L., H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "A model-based regression test selection technique", 2009 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, pp. 515-518, 2009.
Naslavsky, L., H. Muccini, and D. J. Richardson, "Scenario-based and State Machine-based Testing: An Evaluation of Automated Approaches", First International Workshop on Model-based Testing and Object-Oriented Systems (M-TOOS 2006), in conjunction with OOPSLA 2006, Portland, OR, October, 2006.
Naslavsky, L., H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "Using Model Transformation to Support Model-Based Test Coverage Measurement", Third International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST’08), held in conjunction with ICSE 2008, Leipzig, Germany, May 11, 2008.
Naslavsky, L., "Using Traceability to Support Model-Based Regression Test Selection", Doctoral Dissertation: University of California, Irvine, 2009.
Naslavsky, L., H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "MbSRT2: Model-Based Selective Regression Testing with Traceability", Proceedings of the 2010 Third International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Trento, Italy, ACM, pp. 89-98, July 12-16, 2010.
Naslavsky, L., M. Dias, and D. J. Richardson, "Multiply-Deployed Residual Testing at the Object Level", IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE2004), Innsbruck, Austria, February, 2004.
Naslavsky, L., H. Ziv, and D. J. Richardson, "Towards Traceability of Model-based Testing Artifacts", Third Workshop on the Advances of Model-Based Testing (A-MOST 2007), co-located with the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2007), London, UK, July, 2007.
Nardi, B., D. Schiano, M. Gumbrecht, and L. Swartz, "Why We Blog", Communications of the ACMCommunications of the ACM, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 41-46, December, 2004.
Nardi, B., "Designing for the Future - But Which One?", Interactions, vol. 23, issue 1: ACM, pp. 26-33, January-February, 2016.
Nardi, B., N. Gajdamaschko, and J. A. Vadeboncoeur, "Agency, Identity, and Objects in Work and Play", Mind, Culture, and Activity, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 181-182, July 3, 2017.
Nardi, B., and Y M. Kow, "Digital imaginaries: How we know what we (think we) know about Chinese gold farming", First Monday, June, 2010.
Nardi, B., "A Paradox of Play: Autonomy and Discipline in Video Gaming", International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG '12), Raleigh, NC, May 29 - June 1, 2012.
Nardi, B., "The Role of Human Computation in Sustainability, or, Social Progress is Made of Fossil Fuels", Handbook of Human Computation, New York, Springer, 2013.
Nardi, B. A., "Beyond Bandwidth: Dimensions of Connection in Interpersonal Communication", Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 91-130, 2005.
Nardi, B., "Why I Haven't Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb or Anthropological Observations on the Political Economy of Digital Technology", General Anthropology, vol. 25, issue 1, pp. 1-9, Spring, 2018.
Nardi, B. A., V. Kaptelinin, and K. Foot, The MIT Press Series - Acting with Technology, , 2012.
Nardi, B., N. Ellison, and C. Lampe, "Understanding Science: Context for Senator Tom Coburn’s ‘Under the Microscope’ Report", interactions, vol. 18, no. 6, November+Decembe, 2011.
Nardi, B., "Appropriating Theory", Theory Development in Information: Reflecting on the Process, Austin, University of Texas Press, pp. 204-221, 2016.
Nardi, B., Mind, Culture, and Activity Journal, : Taylor and Francis, Senior Editor.
Nardi, B. A., S. Whittaker, E. Isaacs, M. Creech, J. Johnson, and J. Hainsworth, "ContactMap: Integrating Communication and Information Through Visualizing Personal Social Networks", Communications of the ACM, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 89-95, 2002.
Nardi, B., and J. Kallinikos, "Opening the Black Box of Digital Technologies: Mods in World of Warcraft", 23rd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Vienna, Austria, July, 2007.
Nardi, B., B. Tomlinson, and D. Patterson, Special issue of Interactions: Sustainable HCI Education. 23(6), , New York, NY, ACM Press, 2016.
Nardi, B., and H. Ekbia, "Developing a political economy perspective for sustainable HCI", Digital Technology and Sustainability - Engaging the Paradox, Eds. Mike Hazes and Lisa P. Nathan, vol. 86. Issue 102, pp. 86-102, 2018.
Nardi, B. A., S. Ly, and J. Harris, "Learning Conversations in World of Warcraft", Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2007), Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 3-6, 2007.
