Dias, M., M. Vieira, and D. J. Richardson,
"Analyzing Software Architecture based on Statechart Semantics",
15th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2001), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 2001.
Dias, M., and D. J. Richardson,
"Architecting Dependable Systems with xMonEve, an Extensible Event Description Language for Monitoring",
Fifteenth International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering & their Applications (ICSSEA 2002), Paris, France, December, 2002.
Dias, M., and D. J. Richardson,
"Issues in Analyzing Dynamic System Evolution",
Seventh IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2003), Marina del Rey, CA, November, 2003.
Dias, M., M. Vieira, and D. J. Richardson,
"Software Architecture based on Statechart Semantics",
10th International Workshop on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD-10), San Diego, California, pp. 133-137, November 5-7, 2000.
Dias, M., M. Vieira, and D. J. Richardson,
"Understanding the Dynamic Behavior of Concurrent Event-Based Components",
16th IEEE International Conference, Automated Software Engineering (ASE '01), San Diego, CA, November 26-29, 2001.