ISR Bibliography

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Garcia, J., M. Hammad, and S. Malek, Lightweight, Obfuscation-Resilient Detection and Family Identification of Android Malware, , no. UCI-ISR-16-2: UCI Institute for Software Research, January, 2016.
Yuan, E., and S. Malek, "Mining Software Component Interactions to Detect Security Threats at the Architectural Level", 13th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2016), Venice, Italy, IEEE, pp. 211 - 220, April, 2016.
Garcia, J., and S. Malek, Path-Sensitive Analysis of Message-Controlled Communication for Android Apps, , no. UCI-ISR-16-4: UCI Institute for Software Research, September, 2016.
Bagheri, H., A. Sadeghi, R. Jabbarvand, and S. Malek, "Practical, Formal Synthesis and Autonomic Enforcement of Security Policies for Android", 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2016), Toulouse, France, June, 2016.
Mirzaei, N., J. Garcia, H. Bagheri, A. Sadeghi, and S. Malek, "Reducing Combinatorics in GUI Testing of Android Applications", 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, Austin, TX, ACM, pp. 559-570, May, 2016.
Bagheri, H., J. Garcia, A. Sadeghi, S. Malek, and N. Medvidovic, "Software Architectural Principles in Contemporary Mobile Software: From Conception to Practice", Journal of Systems and Software, June 1, 2016, vol. 119, pp. 31-44, September 30, 2016.
Sadeghi, A., H. Bagheri, J. Garcia, and S. Malek, A Taxonomy and Qualitative Comparison of Program Analysis Techniques for Security Assessment of Android Apps, : UCI Institute for Software Research, January, 2016.
Bagheri, H., and S. Malek, "Titanium: Efficient Analysis of Evolving Alloy Specifications", 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2016), Seattle, WA, ACM, pp. 27-38, Nov 13-18, 2016.
Garcia, J., M. Hammad, N. Ghorbani, and S. Malek, "Automatic Generation of Inter-Component Communication Exploits for Android Applications", 1th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2017), Paderborn, Germany, pp. 661-671, Sept 4-8, 2017.
Hammad, M.., H.. Bagheri, and S.. Malek, "Determination and Enforcement of Least-Privilege Architecture in Android", IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), Gothenburg, Sweden, IEEE, pp. 59-68, Apr 3-7, 2017.
Medvidovic, N., S. Malek, M. Mirakhorli, and J. Garcia, "ECASE 2017 Workshop Summary", 2017 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Establishing the Community-Wide Infrastructure for Architecture-Based Software Engineering (ECASE 2017) , Buenos Aires, Argentina, IEEE Press, pp. 1, May 22, 2017.
Jabbarvand, R., and S. Malek, An Energy-Aware Mutation Testing Framework for Android, , no. UCI-ISR-17-1: UCI Institute for Software Research, January, 2017.
Sadeghi, A.., N.. Esfahani, and S.. Malek, "Ensuring the Consistency of Adaptation through Inter-and Intra-Component Dependency Analysis", ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), May, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 2:1--2:27, July 1, 2017.
Bagheri, H., E. Kang, S. Malek, and D. Jackson, "A Formal Approach for Detection of Security Flaws in the Android Permission System", Springer Journal on Formal Aspects of Computing, 2017.
Medvidović, N., M. Mirakhorli, J. Garcia, and S. Malek, "Message from the Workshop Chairs ECASE 2017", 2017 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Establishing the Community-Wide Infrastructure for Architecture-Based Software Engineering (ECASE), Buenos Aires, Argentina, IEEE Press, pp. vii, May 22, 2017.
Sadeghi, A., N. Esfahani, and S. Malek, "Mining Mobile App Markets for Prioritization of Security Assessment Effort", 2nd International Workshop on App Market Analytics (WAMA 2017), Paderborn, Germany, Sept 5, 2017.
Sadeghi, A., R. Jabbarvand, and S. Malek, "PATDroid: Permission-Aware GUI Testing of Android", 11th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2017), Paderborn, Germany, pp. 220-232, Sept 4-8, 2017.
Sadeghi, A., H. Bagheri, J. Garcia, and S. Malek, "A Taxonomy and Qualitative Comparison of Program Analysis Techniques for Security Assessment of Android Software", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Oct 5, 2016, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 492-530, June 1, 2017.
Jabbarvand, R., and S. Malek, "μDroid: An Energy-Aware Mutation Testing Framework for Android", 11th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2017), Paderborn, Germany, pp. 208-219, Sept 4-8, 2017.
Bagheri, H.., J.. Wang, J.. Arets, and S. Malek, "Efficient, Evolutionary Security Analysis of Interacting Android Apps", 34th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2018), Madrid, Spain, pp. 357-368, September, 2018.
Hammad, M., J. Garcia, and S. Malek, "A Large-Scale Empirical Study on the Effects of Code Obfuscations on Android Apps and Anti-Malware Products", International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE 2018), May, 2018.
Garcia, J., M. Hammad, and S. Malek, "Lightweight, Obfuscation-Resilient Detection and Family Identification of Android Malware", ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), vol. 26, issue 3, January, 2018.
Lin, J-W., R. Jabbarvand, J. Garcia, and S. Malek, "Nemo: Multi-Criteria Test-Suite Minimization with Integer Nonlinear Programming", International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE 2018), May, 2018.
Weyns, D., N. Bencomo, R. Calinescu, J. Camara, C. Ghezzi, V. Grassi, L. Grunske, P. Inverardi, J-M. Jezequel, S. Malek, et al., "Perpetual Assurances in Self-Adaptive Systems", Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems (SEfSAS) 3, vol. 9640: Springer, pp. 31-63, 2018.
Hammad, M., J. Garcia, and S. Malek, "SALMA: Self-Protection of Android Systems from Inter-Component Communication Attacks", 33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2018), Montpellier, France, pp. 726-737, September, 2018.
