Dourish, P.,
"Commentary: Conduits and Communities",
Human–Computer Interaction, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 540-543, November, 2015.
Dourish, P.,
"Commentary: Interactivity as Cultural",
Human–Computer InteractionHuman–Computer Interaction, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 153-154, May 4, 2017.
Shklovski, I., J. Vertesi, E. Troshynski, and P. Dourish,
"The commodification of location: dynamics of power in location-based systems",
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, Orlando, Florida, USA, ACM, pp. 11-20, 2009.
van der Hoek, A., D. F. Redmiles, P. Dourish, A. Sarma, R. S. Silva Filho, and C. R. B. De Souza,
"Continuous Coordination: A New Paradigm for Collaborative Software Engineering Tools",
Workshop on Directions in Software Engineering Environments (WoDiSEE) in conjunction with ICSE 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, pp. 29–36, May, 2004.
Reddy, M., P. Dourish, and W. Pratt,
"Coordinating Heterogeneous Work: Information and Representation in Medical Care",
European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2001), Bonn, Germany, Kluwer, pp. 239-238, September 18-20, 2001.
Møller, N H., and P. Dourish,
"Coordination by avoidance: bringing things together and keeping them apart across hospital departments",
Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Supporting group work, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, ACM, pp. 65-74, November 7-10, 2010.
Dourish, P., K. Anderson, and D. Nafus,
"Cultural Mobilities: Diversity and Agency in Urban Computing",
IFIP Conf. Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2007), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 10-14, 2007.
Dourish, P., K. Anderson, and D. Nafus,
"Cultural Mobilities: Diversity and Agency in Urban Computing",
Technical Report, no. LUCI-2007-001, Irvine, CA, Laboratory for Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science, University of California at Irvine, 2007.