Khademi, M.., L.. Dodakian, S.C.. Cramer, and C. V. Lopes,
"Comparing "Pick and PLace" Task in Spatial Augmented Reality versus Non-immersive Virtual Reality for Rehabilitation Setting",
35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society , Osaka, Japan, July 3-7, 2013.
Khademi, M.., H.. M. Hondori, L.. Dodakian, S.C.. Cramer, and C. V. Lopes,
"Haptic Augmented Reality to Monitor Human Arm's Stiffness in Rehabilitation",
2012 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), Langkawi, Malaysia, pp. 892- 895, Dec. 17-19, 2012.
H. Hondori, M., M.. Khademi, L.. Dodakian, S.C.. Cramer, and C. V. Lopes,
"A Spatial Augmented Reality Rehab System for Post-stroke Hand Rehabilitation",
2013 Conference on Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (NextMed/MMVR20), San Diego, CA, Feb. 20-23, 2013.