ISR Bibliography

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Fielding, R. T., J. Gettys, J. C. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, and T. Berners-Lee, RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1.1, : Internet Engineering Task Force, June, 1999.
Medvidović, N., A. Egyed, and D. S. Rosenblum, "Round-Trip Software Engineering Using UML: From Architecture to Design and Back", 2nd Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering, Toulouse, France, pp. 1-8, September, 1999.
Mazieres, D., M. Kaminsky, F. M. Kaashoek, and E. Witchel, "Separating Key Management from File System Security", Seventeenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), pp. 124-139, 1999.
Hilbert, D., and D. Redmiles, "Separating the Wheat from the Chaff in Internet-Mediated User Feedback", ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 35-40, April, 1999.
Fielding, R. T., "Shared Leadership in the Apache Project", Communications of the ACMCommunications of the ACM, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 42-43, 1999.
Reyes, A. A., and D. Richardson, "Siddhartha: A Method for Developing Domain-specific Test Driver Generators", 14th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE '99), Cocoa Beach, FL, USA, pp. 81-90, 12-15 Oct. 1999.
Chang, J., and D. J. Richardson, "Structural Specification-Based Testing: Automated Support and Experimental Evaluation", 7th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (SIGSoft '99), Toulouse, France, ACM Press, pp. 285-302, 6-10 Sept. 1999.
Noll, J., and W. Scacchi, "Supporting Software Development in Virtual Enterprises", JoDI - Journal of Digital Information, vol. 1, no. 4, 1999.
Robbins, J.E.., M. Kantor, and D. Redmiles, "Sweeping Away Disorder with the Broom Alignment Tool", CHI EA '99: CHI '99 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May, 1999.
Mansfield, T., S. Kaplan, G. Fitzpatrick, P. Phelps, M. Fitzpatrick, and R. N. Taylor, "Toward locales: supportingcollaboration with Orbit", Journal of Information and Software Technology, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 367-382, April, 1999.
Liu, C., and D. J. Richardson, "Towards Discovery, Specification, and Verification of Component Usage", 14th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE '99), Cocoa Beach, FL, USA, October, 1999.
de Souza, C. R. B., S. D. Basaveswara, and D. F. Redmiles, "Using Event Notification Servers to Support Application Awareness", IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 691-697, September, 1999.
Vaidyanathan, J., J. E. Robbins, and D. Redmiles, "Using HTML to Create Early Prototypes", CHI EA '99: CHI '99 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May, 1999.
Dashofy, E. M., N. Medvidović, and R. N. Taylor, "Using Off-the-Shelf Middleware to Implement Connectors in Distributed Software Architectures", 21st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'99), Los Angeles, CA, pp. 3-12, May 16-22, 1999.
Oreizy, P., N. Medvidovic, and R. N. Taylor, "Architecture-Based Runtime Software Evolution", Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’98), Kyoto, Japan, 04/1998.
Taylor, R. N., N. Medvidovic, K. M. Anderson, J. E. Whitehead, and J. E. Robbins, "A Component- and Message-Based Architectural Style for GUI Software", Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE17), Seattle, WA, ACM, 04/1995.
Nardi, B., Mind, Culture, and Activity Journal, : Taylor and Francis, Senior Editor.
